Dental Implants Singapore Blog

Dental Implants Singapore Process: Pre-Operative

Written by S L Chan | May 23, 2014

If you have decided upon dental implants in Singapore for your dental restoration, you should know that you've made the best possible choice in terms of oral health, comfort, functionality and appearance. You should also know a bit about the dental implant process, since being well-informed and prepared is important to your comfort level throughout the process as well as your results. Here, we're going to talk about the beginning of that process, the pre-operative stage of dental implant restoration.

Dental Implants Singapore: Consultation and Treatment Planning

The dental implant process is a collaborative effort that generally includes a patient's general dentist, a restorative specialist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon -- who will handle surgical placement of the implants that will form the foundation for your replacement teeth.

During your initial appointment with your oral surgeon, he or she will do a thorough examination of your oral health and structure, including a physical examination and imaging, and your general health will be evaluated via the compilation of a complete health history. With this information, your oral surgeon will determine whether the you are a candidate for dental implants, as well as whether preparatory procedures, such as bone grafts or sinus lifts, will be necessary to ensure reliable results.

Once you have been deemed a good candidate for dental implants, surgical planning will begin. Using the information and images gathered during the consultation, your Singapore oral surgeon will begin to formulate a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and expectations. Your treatment options will be explained and your surgeon will advise you on which he or she feels are most appropriate for you and why. Once you and your surgeon have agreed on a treatment plan, any preparatory procedures you need will be scheduled. If no such procedures are necessary in your case, your oral surgeon will schedule your dental implant placement surgery.

Dental Implants Singapore: Preparing For Your Procedure

Your Singapore oral surgeon will handle the surgical planning and related preparations, but there are also things you can do during the pre-operative period to help ensure the success of your dental implant restoration. Among the most important of these is being careful about oral hygiene between your planning appointment and surgery, since any infections or gum disease could cause your procedure to be delayed. If you are a smoker, refraining from the habit for several weeks before surgery is wise, since tobacco use can delay healing and make complications more likely. Avoiding alcohol for a few days before surgery is a good idea, as is making sure that you're eating well during the pre-operative period, since good nutrition can help your body handle the stress of surgery better and speed the healing process.

Lastly, be well-prepared on the day of your procedure. If your oral surgeon has prescribed antibiotics or pain medications, have those prescriptions filled well before your surgery appointment. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what to expect. If not, call your surgeon's office and ask questions  --  several days in advance of surgery. Additionally, if you have chosen IV sedation as your method of anesthesia, be sure to have arrangements in place to get home after the placement of your dental implants. Singapore patients who have IV sedation are advised to avoid driving until the following day for the sake of safety.