Dental Implants Singapore Blog

5 Things You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers in Singapore

Written by S L Chan | November 30, 2014

Dermal fillers are fast becoming one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in Singapore, used to temporarily smooth away facial lines and wrinkles, restore volume to the face to tighten sagging skin and add definition to facial features, such as the nose, chin, jawline, lips or cheekbones, among many other uses. If you are considering dermal fillers to improve your appearance, there are a number of things to consider before committing to treatment. Here are 5 things you need to know about dermal fillers in Singapore.

Dermal Fillers Singapore: The Qualifications Of Your Practitioner

While injection of dermal fillers is a fairly quick and easy procedure for patients, getting great results is a bit more of a challenge for practitioners. It requires expertise in facial anatomy, a great deal of knowledge about the various dermal filler products available and skill, training and experience in creating attractive, natural-looking results with those products. That's why seeing a fully qualified Singapore oral and maxillofacial surgeon – medical professionals who are extensively trained in facial anatomy – for your dermal fillers treatment is your best bet.

Which Dermal Fillers Will Be Used And Why

The reason that there are so many dermal fillers on the market today is that different types of fillers are needed for different purposes and treatment areas. Selecting the proper products is an essential first step in great results, so make sure you know what products your practitioner will use and why he or she feels they are the best ones for you.

Dermal Fillers Singapore: The Potential Benefits Of Treatment

Ask your practitioner for a realistic idea of just how much improvement you can expect from treatment. Additionally, whether wrinkle smoothing or facial sculpting is your goal, ask your surgeon if you can see before-and-after pictures of previous patients with similar treatment goals.

Dermal Fillers Singapore: The Potential Side Effects Of Treatment

The potential side effects of dermal fillers treatment vary according to the type of fillers used and the area being treated, although side effects are typically limited to minor inflammation and redness at injection sites. Ask your surgeon what the risks are in light of your particular circumstances.

Dermal Fillers Singapore: How Long You Can Expect Your Results To Last

Results achieved with the most common dermal fillers in Singapore typically last between 4 and 12 months. Where in that range your results will fall depends upon a number of factors, including the particular products used and the areas you're having treated. Your surgeon, who will be familiar with your individual circumstances, should be able to give you a fairly accurate estimate of just how long it will be before you need to be treated again to maintain your results.