Dental Implants Singapore Blog

11 More Questions to Ask Your Surgeon About Jaw Surgery in Singapore

Written by S L Chan | August 22, 2014

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of asking lots of questions if you've been told that you need jaw surgery in Singapore, as well as some of the most important ones to ask as you decide whether surgery is right for you. If you've decided to go forward with corrective jaw surgery, there are a number of other important questions you'll need answered during the planning process to ensure that you're well-prepared for surgery and recovery.

1. How Long Will I Have To Wear Braces Before Surgery?

The amount of time needed for pre-surgical orthodontic care varies substantially from one patient to another. Finding out to expect according to your particular circumstances will make planning much easier.

2. How Much Pain Will I Have After Jaw Surgery in Singapore?

The amount of pain and stiffness you'll experience after surgery will depend upon the exact nature of your procedure – and asking what to expect can make the experience less stressful.

3. Will My Jaw Be Wired Shut?

Wiring the jaw shut isn't standard procedure with jaw surgery these days, since more comfortable and efficient methods of stabilizing the jaws during healing have been developed. However, in some cases, it is still necessary, and if you'll have to have it done, that's something you want to know ahead of time.

4. When – and What – Can I Eat After Surgery?

You'll be able to eat liquefied foods within a day of your surgery and soft foods are typically allowed after anywhere between two weeks and six weeks, depending upon your particular circumstances. You'll want to find out where you fall within that range to ensure that you have plenty of appropriate supplies on hand.

5. How Long Will I Be On a Restricted Diet?

Again, that will depend upon the complexity of your jaw surgery, so be sure to ask, since going back to a regular diet too soon may cause problems.

6. How Long Will My Face Be Swollen?

Chances are, you'll want to avoid having to appear in public much until you've lost the chipmunk look, so ask when you can expect that to happen.

7. How Long Before I Can Go Back To Work/School?

That too depends upon your particular procedure, so be sure to ask well in advance of surgery to be sure you ask for enough time off to comply with post-surgical limits on activity.

8. Will There be Facial Numbness After Surgery?

Many patients experience temporary numbness, so be sure to ask you surgeon if it is to expected with your particular procedure.

9. How Long Will Complete Recovery Take?

Find out how long your surgeon expects complete recovery – including the healing and stabilization of bone – to take. Knowing is essential to taking proper care of yourself after surgery.

10. How Long Will I Have To Wear Braces After Surgery?

This can vary from a few months to a year or more, something you'll want to be prepared for ahead of time.

11. Will I Have Scars?

While most incisions are done inside the mouth to prevent noticeable scarring, in some cases, incisions must be made elsewhere and scarring is possible.

You'll probably think more questions than we've mentioned here, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask them. A good Singapore oral surgeon expects lots of questions, so bring a list with you when you see your surgeon for planning appointments. Being well-informed will help you feel confident and comfortable when the day of your surgery arrives, making the procedure smoother and easier – for both you and your oral surgeon.