Dental Implants Singapore Blog

5 Common Causes of Loose Teeth As You Age?

Written by S L Chan | January 23, 2014

Dental problems become a greater risk for Singapore dental patients as they reach mid-life and beyond. Among the more common issues experienced with aging is loose teeth. Knowing how and why teeth can become loose and unstable can help you avoid the problem and the tooth loss it can cause. 5 common causes of loose teeth as you age are:

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is the most common cause of loose teeth in adults. It is caused by plaque buildup along and under the gum line. Since plaque contains bacteria, it can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums, called gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. Gingivitis, left untreated, can progress into a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis, in which the bacteria spreads and grows beneath the gum line. Periodontitis can gradually destroy the bone and connective tissue that holds teeth in place, leading to loosening of the teeth and often, tooth loss.


Bruxism is the technical term for teeth grinding or clenching, and is another extremely common reason that teeth loosen with age. While the best known consequences of chronic grinding or clenching of teeth are wear and damage to the crowns of the teeth, the force exerted on the teeth by bruxism can damage connective tissues and bone beneath the gum line as well, causing teeth to become loose in their sockets.


Trauma to the teeth is another common cause of loosening. While the word trauma may bring an acute injury to mind, such as a fall or a blow that damages teeth, it can actually stem from much more mundane and less noticeable causes. Habitual chewing of ice, popcorn kernels, or pens and pencils can cause slow, steady trauma to the teeth, as can nail biting or using teeth to loose knots or open bottles.


As we age, teeth can become more prone to decay, especially at the gum line. Even healthy gums tend to recede to some degree with age. As they do, the surface of tooth roots is often exposed. That surface is more fragile and prone to decay than the stronger surface of the crown, and cavities in tooth roots can lead to tooth loose teeth. Reduced saliva production, a common side effect of aging, can contribute to decay at the tooth root, since saliva helps wash away food particles and neutralize acids produced by plaque bacteria.  

Diseases and Health Conditions

Certain diseases and health conditions can increase risk of loose teeth, as can some medications used in their treatment. For instance, people with diabetes are at higher risk of developing infections, cavities and gum disease, as are people with diseases and conditions that affect immune system function, such as cancer and HIV.   Many medications used in the treatment of chronic health conditions can impair saliva production, increasing risk of dental problems, and some anticonvulsants and angina medications can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue.

Loose teeth and tooth loss are not an inevitable side-effect of aging. These common causes of loose teeth can often be treated successfully when they are caught early, preventing tooth loss, so don't skip those regular dental checkups. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental treatment, many Singapore dental patients can keep their natural teeth for a lifetime.




Photo credit: Fechi Fejardo